ALICERA AUBEL is a Business Development Associate who manages the complex processing of the numerous technology transfer agreements between LLNL and external partners, from their inception through post execution. Alicera’s work include developing and ensuring these agreements as well as other legal documents are complete and comply with all regulatory requirements.
Alicera has worked in the IPO for over 24 years. She recently was part of the LLNL Team who received the 2021 FLC (Federal Laboratory Consortium) Excellence in Technology Transfer Award as well as the COVID-19 Response Award for the SuppleVent™, an emergency response ventilator developed in partnership with BioMedInnovations, LLC.
Alicera has a Certificate in Paralegal Studies from UC Berkeley Extension as well as a Certificate in Business Management from University of the Pacific’s Eberhardt School of Business.
When she is not at work, she can be found on the golf course, in a bowling alley or cooking away in her kitchen.