LLNL and IPO are key members of a larger innovation ecosystem that stimulates regional economies in the Tri-Valley and greater San Francisco Bay Region. IPO’s network of innovation-focused partners amplifies technology commercialization programs and results.
I-GATE and Daybreak Labs
The i-GATE Innovation Hub, originally founded through a collaboration between the City of Livermore, Sandia National Labs (Sandia-California), and LLNL aims to support startups and economic development in the Tri-Valley region of California. The work of i-GATE is particularly centered around the national labs as anchors of innovation. iGATE manages an incubator called Daybreak Labs providing research facilities and equipment to help life sciences and hardware startups get started and grow quickly. i-GATE’s incubation has benefited a number of startups commercializing technologies developed at LLNL.
Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group (ITV)
LLNL is a member of the Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group. ITV advocates for the regional innovation ecosystem, bringing together the businesses, research labs, educational institutions, and civic leaders of the Tri-Valley. LLNL joins many other companies with interests in the Tri-Valley, such as Kaiser-Permanente, Sandia National Laboratories, Chevron, AT&T, Lam Research, PG&E, Topcon Positioning Systems, Mirador Capital Partners, to generate job growth and economic vitality for the region.
Investment Groups
LLNL is physically located in Livermore, CA and a part of the Tri-Valley region within the larger San Francisco Bay Area. We are very lucky to be located within such a vibrant and active entrepreneurial and investment community. IPO regularly engages and partners with venture capital and angel investment groups. Some notable partners include Keiretsu Forum, Band of Angels and Venture Capital Roundtable among others.