Andrew Beckman is a graduate student from Georgetown University's M.S. in Biotechnology program, studying within the BioBusiness track. He received his B.S. in Microbiology from the University of Michigan in 2018. Andrew’s project involved a market analysis within the spaces of predictive biology and cognitive simulation to better understand the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). The goal was to discover trends in business models and intellectual property (IP) to guide strategy for LLNL's Innovation and Partnerships Office (IPO). His work supported one of IPO's business development executives, Dr. Candice Gellner, and her portfolio, and his work was completed under the guidance and mentorship of Dr. Hannah Farquar. "It was a transformative experience to work at the overlap of cutting-edge scientific research, legal strategy and IP protection, and the commercialization of technologies to the business sector."