Dylan Hernandez is graduate student from Georgetown University's M.S. in Biotechnology program who enjoys writing biographical excerpts about himself in the third person. Raised in the great flyover state of Kansas, he successfully convinced his parents to fund him to attend college out of state at the University of Maryland: College Park, received his B.S. in Kinesiology, and then promptly chose a career path that had nothing to do with it. Soon enough, however, he was class president at Georgetown in a program which emphasized the entrepreneurial aspect of the industry and followed the mantra of “turning scientists into business(wo)men.” Armed with exactly one class in intellectual property, but many in the hard sciences, Dylan joined the Innovation and Partnerships Office (IPO) in late May as part of a larger LLNL-Georgetown partnership. His projects here include, but are not limited to, compiling market intelligence reports for computational biology technology and developing written synopsis of portfolio leads in the medical devices segment. This experience is not only exposing Dylan to some pretty neat stuff coming out of the lab but is also proving an invaluable educational experience in the realm of technology transfer and intellectual property. This is not without significant mentorship and direction from his mentor Hannah Farquar and business development executives Candice Gellner and Yash Vaishnav. In his free time Dylan is a competitive, albeit chronically injured, distance runner and hopes to start his career in the bio-defense sphere when he moves back to the D.C. metro area.